Tuesday, October 7, 2008

7 October 2008

I would like to start today by wishing my dear mother and father a very happy 31st Wedding Anniversary that they celebrated yesterday, CONGRATULATIONS!

Wow! What an incredible weekend we had. Isn't General Conference just the greatest?! I was completely giddy about it the whole time and could hardly contain my excitement! It was wonderful to hear about five new temples being built, including Rome! What a step forward for Western Europe, I remember being at blues conference in August of last year with President and Soeur Merrell talking about a sister missionary at temple square from Italy that spoke to an Italian official and he was deeply moved my her words and the spirit at Temple Square. Then President Merrell held back tears as he stated, "And thanks to this sister missionary and her testimony, there will be a temple in Rome." And now the time has come.

I loved every single talk and was touched by all of them. I especially enjoyed Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Elder David A. Bednar, and Elder Quentin L. Cook. I could just name all the speakers but that would be too easy. But I definitely think that my favorite would have to be Elder Quentin L. Cook's talk about difficult times and moving forward through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was just wonderful. It was rather amusing to hear "le Petit Prince" quoted over the pulpit, and of course it was by the French member of the Seventy. But after all is said and done, I think my absolute favorite quote was when Elder Neal L. Anderson quoted a four-year-old girl in saying, "Jesus will make everything alright." It couldn't be simpler and it couldn't be more true.

I love you all so very, very much. I'm eternally grateful for the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How blessed I feel to have Thomas S. Monson as the prophet of God on the Earth and to be led by him, the First Presidency, and Twelve Apostles. What a great day we live in. Thanks for all your love and support.
Elder Marsala

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