Tuesday, March 25, 2008

25 March 2008

Bonjour tout le monde!

Happy Easter! I hope yours was wonderful as was mine. What a great holiday, a special time of year where we take special attention to the most important event in history, the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I loved the day and I love everything that it represents. I'm so grateful for the Atoning sacrifice of our Redeemer. I felt especially blessed to celebrate it in the mission field with the people of France.
This last week was a fun one, did two exchanges and learned loads of good things. I had the opportunity to go with Elder Hill, one of the zone leaders from Kaysville, to Bordeaux, it was definitely a day filled with excitement and fun. There was some crazy driving involved, this is France, but it caused for some excitement.
We had a little miracle in finding a new ami on Saturday, we contacted a young woman on Monday and fixed up a rendez-vous on the street for Saturday, to be honest this situation is almost never a success and the person doesn't typically show up, especially young women-I don't know why. Well we called to confirm the rendez-vous and she said of course that she was coming, well this posed another problem because we couldn't find a member! Headaches, our 1st counselor agreed(at a sacrifice on his part, so I felt bad) well we were there waiting and she wasn't there, agh!!! After all the stress, but then she showed up and had a fantastic lesson about The Restoration. From all this I learned the Lord needs me to be both more patient and have more faith, if only I already had these virtues.

Love you all very much, thanks for all you do.

Elder Miles Marsala

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

18 March 2008

Hello everyone,

This last week was pretty good, there were no big events or anything in particular that peaked interests, but it was good none the less.
We did have a great zone conference where President Merrell made a sad but exciting announcement that named names. He told us that starting in July we now know that it will be President Michael Carter and his wife Danielle from Quebec. It's exciting to know but sad to think that President and Soeur Merrell are almost finished.
Well the next time I write it will be after Easter, I wish you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday and truly remember the sacrifice of our Lord and of His resurrection.

I love you all!

Elder Marsala

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

11 March 2008

Rain, Rain, Rain -

...I'd like to say that it was a light drizzle here and there, but no, it's constant raind for days-I find it rather fun though. Oddly enough it makes me want to go golfing, I always loved playing in the rain.
So in this last week there was some fun stuff and some sad stuff. Fun stuff, well I don't exactly know what isn't fun as a missionary. But I think the highlight was when a member gave me some cool new dictionaries. I'm constantly asking this member how to improve my French and to teach me phrases and I go on endlessly trying to improve my language skills, so finally this member on Sunday gave me a dictionary full of French expressions and another of synonyms! They are the coolest books ever, other than the scriptures of course. Poor Elder Coull, he's constantly hearing me try to use new phrases and say new things, and whenever it works I get excited and he just laughs.
I would say that the saddest event that occured was Friday, Ralulu, the Fidjian rugby player, moved to Mont de Marson to play in the next division up. I was very excited for him but quite sad to lose him. We passed his info to the Elders there. One of them called me to tell me that they made contact already and that they love him, how dare they, that's my Ralulu! ça va
Well world, things are going great here, I love you much and I thank you.

Elder Miles Marsala

P.S. I would like to extend congratulations to the Lee family on having their forth child and third daughter

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

4 March 2008

So this week I was privileged to see another baptism, Giovanni Cichella was baptized at age eight by his father, who was quite the excited and proud papa I might add, it was fun.
There was not a lot of commotion or extra excitement this week, it was pretty standard. Although it was rather funny during fast and testimony meeting, one of our ward missionaries whos preparing to go on a mission got up to bore his testimony of the work. He has the opportunity to work with us quite often and he was talking about some of these experiences. As he went on he mentioned that we talk to lots and lots of people and get lots of rejection, he continued to mention that quite often and not uncommonly the people will say, gesture, shout, or whatever something mean or rude and not too uplifting. He then in reference to us the missionaries and the work said, "I don't know why they do it." Promptly everyone in the room looked at us with a slight giggle, we simply shrugged our shoulders.
If only there had been time to tell them that we do it because we love the Lord, because we know the Church is true, because it's the only way by which we can return to live with our Father in heaven and we wish that all of our brothers and sisters will return to Him. There's nothing better that we could be doing at this moment in our lives, it's what the Lord has aksed us to do and it's that simple.
Have a great week, love you much

Elder Miles Marsala