Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 18, 2007 -"One Week to Go"

Joyeaux Noel!
Wow, I can't believe Christmas is already here! Vitrolles is doing great and I'm really liking it here. We have a sweet ward as well.
Yesterday we had an amazing Christmas Zone Conference that was an incredible spiritual boost for Christmas. We have an awesome mission president and his wife is amazing as well. It was an incredible day that really got me excited for the work. It's amazing the love that God has for each of us, His children, it's unbeliveable to me. And the greatest manifestation of His love was through His Son Jesus Christ. What an incredible gift. The more and more I think about it the more in awe I become and the more gratitude I have. He was truly perfect in everyway and He loves us so much, He has a perfect love that we can't grasp. He loves us indvidually and that is so evident in His perfect Atonement. I hope that this year I can do better with how I treat Christmas, there are three levels and I hope to aspire to one day better recognize the top level. There is the Santa level, the Baby Jesus level-a great an amazing thing that must be celebrated, the birth of our Lord, and the level where at Christmas we recognize The Master, for that is what He truly is.
I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for all of you and for your faith in our Savior. I wish you all the most merry of Christmas' with lots of love and hopefully you'll be with loved ones.

With love,

Elder Miles Marsala

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