Tuesday, November 18, 2008

18 November 2008

Hello everybody,

Wow, it's seems just like yesterday that it was time to email. Elder Gysler and I had a rather neat experience this past Sunday while doing some contacting en chemin. As usual we were talking to people and not too many people were overly interested or seemed to have the time to get in any real testimony about the Restored Gospel. As we continued down the street in the dark, we saw a stroller and two women walking with it. Elder Gysler opened his mouth and started. This was a three generation family. Both the grandmother and the mother mentioned that they have been asking themselves lots of questions and that they would love to belive in God and His Son and Their mercy. They had a particularly hard time with the treatment of the Jews during the War and were troubled by children dying young. As we testified of the saving power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that through Him all children are saved and will dwell with God they almost wept. I don't remember ever having seen the Spirit touch someone so deeply or so quickly while contacting on the street. We were able to exchange information and set-up a rendez-vous and the soeurs will be visiting them this week. It was wonderful.

I love all of you and thank you for your support.
Elder Marsala

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