Wednesday, January 21, 2009

13 January 2009

13 January 2009
...It seems like things are going smoothly enough. A lot has changed in the last week, due to the fact that Elder Mendenhall, my replacement, was completely trained and I had nothing to do at the bureau all day. I've been moved! I didn't go to far, I went back to Colomiers which is the part of Toulouse I was first in when I came here. I will be companions with Elder Nolan for two weeks until the end of transfer, which suits me because we get along great. Elder Nolan has been in my district my whole time in Toulouse.
We'll see where I end up in two weeks.
It's really hard to believe that I'll be home in less than four months, it's a rather scary thought, I'll have to live by faith.
I love you all very much and can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for everything
Elder Marsala

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