Tuesday, April 8, 2008

8 April 2008

Hello my dear family and friends,
Well as for the transfer I'll be staying in PĂ©rigueux and getting Elder Walker as my companion. Elder Coull is headed to Manosque.
Wasn't Conference spectacular?! I loved it soo much! I felt so privelaged to stand and sustain President Thomas S. Monson as the Prophet, it was a great experience. I was blessed to be able to watch four of the five sessions this weekend, only missing the very last one. I enjoyed all the talks and all the subjects, it is clear to me that the Lord truly leads His Church through His chosen representives on the Earth. I felt edified and re-energized. I also can tell you that I know that President Thomas S. Monson is truly God's living Prophet and that Elder D. Todd Christofferson is in all reality an Apostle of the Lord.
I hope that you all enjoyed Conference as much as I did, what an awesome blessing it is to be able to listen to a prophet's voice, isn't it a miracle? I know that I definately under appreciated Conference before and how lucky I feel to have it.
In other exciting news it's MASTERS Week! Holy cow! I can't believe it's already here, I remember the last one so vividly in my mind, I'll miss the Azaleas and Dogwoods this year, but I'm expecting full updates.
I love you all very much and I thank you for your support.

Elder Miles Marsala

P.S. Today is an anniversary, it's been officially 13 years since my baptism

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