Tuesday, July 15, 2008

15 July 2008

Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I'm doing great! This past week we had our first Zone Conference with President and Soeur Carter and it was fantastic! They are so cool and have a sweet conversion story, "il y a trente ans" it was so much fun. They taught some great stuff and it was fabulous.
We had some pretty sweet rendez-vous and lots of fun teaching this week, the work is moving forward!
So le tour de France passed through Toulouse this past Saturday and it only cause heartache. Elder Knowles and I were dying to go and catch a glimpse, but it was exchanges. Fortunately for us we would be in Toulouse for the day and were hoping to see a bit, but the day was in a sense over planned with rendez-vous very far apart, most of which didn't happen due to road closures and le tour de France, so simply we snapped pictures of the crowd that was waiting for the cyclists to arrive. But even worse, we were at the chapel and were just raté-d, we recieved a call from another missionary, knowing we where we were, asked if we saw it, we replied in the negative and he asked why, considering that not more than three minutes before he called us all the cyclists went zooming past the chapl! We were sad. ça va.
Yesterday was a sweet day as well. We had district meeting and then about ten missionaries all went to lunch together, we went extravagent, McDonald's! But the great part was that the Scotish Open was on the entire time, I had not seen golf on the TV in over a year, I didn't go to watch but we did stay there to eat and it was continually on...then after a great day at tha Bureau we went out and found a sweet man that is starving for the Plan of Salvation, he just doesn't know it yet. We also passed by a woman, her sister was there and we were able to teach and found an awesome new ami, the two of them are so funny. Then we went to Family Home Evening at the chapel and it was a riot!

I love you all so much, thanks for everything.

Elder Miles Marsala

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