Tuesday, July 29, 2008

29 July 2008

Road Trip

Bonjour tout le monde,
This last week was absolutely fantastic! I had such a great time, last Tuesday we had a wonderful fun filled day at the Carter's home. They're such great people, I love them! Thursday Elder Knowles and I hit the road. He is the apartment manager and had some things to take care of in Perpignan and Carcassonne so off we went. The travel went smoothly and it was great, but in Perpignan nothing that we went to do worked! But we had fun anyway. Then we continued up to Carcassonne, but en route we needed to eat so we stopped off at the Buffolo Grill, which was most literlly Wyoming en français, it was so fun, it was weird to be in a real restaurant with a small salad to start and all that normal stuff that we never do or see, so it was quite a blast for us two. Then we made it to Carcassonne, again everything we tried to do didn't really work, but we were entertained. Then right before heading back to Toulouse we stopped by the family Pondela and shared a spritual thought, it was so wonderful to see them again! The rest of the week went pretty well, but yesterday was amazing! We went to do service at the family Sordes, they are such an amazing family! We had such a great time! We went there to tear down walls by means of sledge hammers, and it was as fun as it sounds, I absolutely loved it, it was so fun to be able to labor and utilise harnessed agression. Afterwards we ate and read scriptures together. They could very possibly be the coolest french family that I've ever met, they are incredible!
I love all of you and thank you for your support.

Love, Elder Miles Marsala

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