Bonjour tout le monde,
Wow, so it's been quite a ride with the cars in the short eight weeks that I've been here. My first week in the bureau there were four accidents, no injuries. So I figured that's about all that could happen...I was wrong.
The Zone Leaders in Cannes received a brand new car, which in the first week of owning it, was keyed, then the Assistants’ car was in Bagatelle and when they came out of their lesson they found nothing where the window should of been and a lovely rock on the seat. So they started to use the bureau car instead. We took in our utility van and had its check-ups done and that the same day we discovered that on another car, a tire was completely dead; we got it fixed. We finally got the assistants’ car an appointment to have the window fixed and I began to breathe a sigh of relief as things started to work out....I shouldn't have; I received a call that the bureau car the assistants were using had the kind pleasure of having two of its tires slashed.
In the end I find this all rather amusing and I just hope that all will run smoothly next month.
I love all of you and I thank you for your support.
Elder Marsala
P.S. I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to my dad who will be 53 this Friday