Tuesday, January 8, 2008

8 January 2008

Bonjour tout le monde,

Well as most of you probably know, I'm a person who likes history, I like time, and dates are something of importance to me. Which is why on today January 8, 2008 my thoughts are most definitely turned towards my family. For it was six years ago today that my family was sealed together for all time and eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. I remember as if it had happened yesterday, I remember being in the waiting room with Alyssa and Quinten. I remember sitting out side the door waiting to go in, and Elder Haight stopping for a few minutes just to talk to the three of us before entering the room (it made me feel special). I remember the family and friends there to join us. But my favorite memory was being there with my family and being sealed forever by the Priesthood. It is definitely one of my favorite dates in all of History and one that I am truly grateful for. I can still remember looking in the mirror as a family and "taking a picture" that I still have in my head. It's because of days like that that I am so grateful for the Restored Gospel, and the only true Church upon the face of the Earth, I'm grateful for the Priesthood. I'm grateful for amazing members and friends. I'm thankful for missionaries, especially two sister missionaries in particular. I'm grateful for Apostles and their service and love for the Lord. But above all that I'm most grateful to my mother, for it was her that was a constant in all of this, the example, the missionary, the friend, the member, and the most wonderful woman. I would have none of this to be grateful for if it hadn't been for her. And of course I'm thankful for my father and his decision to be baptized and to join the Church. For his diligence and love for his family, for his love for my mother and for his children. I wish you all a fantastic week! Know that I love you.

Elder Miles Marsala

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